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Thursday, 26 November 2015

Simple words, serious consequences... Chapter 2

Wars are fought for resources, but there are resources which are imminent to conduct those wars. The resource most needed to make a war happen is the human resource. Humans unlike uranium, nickel or gas, are intelligent beings, so to use them it is not sufficient to just have control of them.
Yes there were times when subjugation was the only persuasion needed, but over the centuries, human beings have acquired knowledge and it has become difficult to just make them do
something. So the techniques of engagement have also evolved over the same period of time. On the one hand people are bombarded with information and on the other hand they are kept away from real information, so that their minds and bodies could be manipulated for the heinous purposes, which all boil down to a single act of war.

Bombarding people with information, relevant and irrelevant, we successfully deprive them of the opportunity to at least grab the essence of the received info. When a brain is flooded with information at very short intervals, it renders itself incapable of appreciating full extent of happenings. So having no time to contemplate, human brain remains open to injection. With the passage of time and believe me I am not talking about millions of years, I am talking about a few years or in some cases even months, the brain’s assessment function goes to sleep and all it does is that it receives information and stores it as it is.

So this is where our great war-plotters come in. They use the zombie box* and other gadgets of advancement to keep the brain in a lull, bombarding it with information, sometimes at intervals shorter than a few microseconds. Then at some given or needed time you receive hard worded information about THEM and since your brain is out of the habit of assessing and just stores information, it is susceptible to instinctive-momentary reactions, which render you vulnerable to go to war or just to a battle or maybe just a flash-mob, or a meeting against a legitimate government. If you want to understand my point here go check social media created unrest in Moldova in 2009, Kyrgyzstan’s TULIP revolution in 2005, Georgia’s ROSE revolution of 2003, Ukraine’s ORANGE revolution of 2004-2005 and many others. Remember don’t believe what you read or see. Just evaluate it. Take your time digest it and for a starter, let me tell you that all of these revolutions were anything but peaceful.
The Zombie Box

Even in this age of advancement, where you have drones and missiles and loads of remote controlled military hardware, wars cannot become things of reality without the human resource and to use this intelligent resource, the war wagers have invented techniques, which raise emotions above logic or which make emotional reactions look like logical choices and when a human being loses the thread of logic, it is capable of doing a lot of things, which he/she would not otherwise do.

Emotions are commonly manipulated using faith, race, origin and ideology. But, this does not represent the whole list of points of stimulation! There is a continuous process of research in the labs of interested parties to identify the G-spot(s) of human brain to easily drive humans towards the sadomasochistic orgy of war and to let them experience their psychological orgasms at the needed time. 

Homer’s Iliad represented the use of emotion as a stimulant, when Agamemnon manipulated his brother Menelaus’s emotions for his own purpose. When Agamemnon raised the Greek question, the Greek tribes gathered around him to fight against Troy and to prove their supremacy. Homer’s Iliad also demonstrates the use of prophecies for war purposes and the effect of mass propagation of events, something that we call mass communication in our age.

The easiest and the best way of manipulating human resource has always been the “it’s us or them” technique. Only over a span of time the “them” has been changing. During the most part of the twentieth century the communists played the character of “them”, interrupted shortly by fascists, who took over the role for a little more than a decade. Then towards the end of the twentieth century the space was left vacant and the play was losing breath, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was time for another “them”. The space was filled by a “them” created along the religious lines. Now it became a struggle between the Muslims and the non-Muslims (generalized). The latter set of actors was used to create such master pieces like “clash of the civilizations”, “war on terror”, “war for peace”, “bringing freedom to the oppressed”, “liberating Iraq”, “Arab spring” and a lot more. But the essence of all of that was “it’s us or them”.

To understand this point lets rip apart the cold war. What was it that divided the whole world into two distinct blocs? On the one side of the barricade, in the West all you could hear about was lack of basic freedoms, lack of free will, lack of self-expression and a whole lot of lacks in the socialist or on reciprocal basis Eastern bloc. But nobody ever explained to us what freedom of expression was? How was it that a huge part of human race lived deprived of all of the basic rights? 
Did the people in the Eastern bloc not eat if they could work and earn that food? Of course they did, just like the people in the Western bloc, who cannot expect to put a meal on the table, not doing anything. So the Western bloc mainly advertised the Eastern bloc’s material decay and lacks to highlight its own gains.

On the contrary the Eastern bloc champions always scored points on pointing out the moral decay of the Western society. They always pointed out the inhuman conduct of financially superior strata of society against the working class.
To be objective I would say that both parties had some validity to their propaganda, but why was it that they were spending more time on pointing out the other party’s demerits instead of showing their own merits? 

The cold war was not about socialism against capitalism. It was about taking control of the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal. It was about controlling the oil market and the oil prices. It was about access to cheap labour markets. It was about monopoly. Yes sir it all boiled down to monopolizing the world by monopolizing the system of governance.

This “us or them” has divided humanity into two groups mainly. It’s the “haves” and “have-nots”. As long as humanity is divided, it is easy to manipulate it. The old British “divide and rule” principle works great in this case. But people blindly follow the terms of engagement, because they do not understand the ground realities behind all of these conflicts. They believe what they hear or are shown, but they don’t even have the time or opportunity to look beyond. 

Although it seems GRAND to try to span the whole history of mankind and wars, but our objective here is to understand the realities of the time span that we can cover, which is decorated by the cold war, the Iranian revolution, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the battle for Kuwait, the bombardment of “freedom” on Yugoslavia, the growth of menace called Taliban, the Chechen war, the clash of the civilizations, the war on terror, the Georgian war of 2008 and most importantly the “war for peace”.

The abovementioned overt and covert wars were fought using human resource to take control of natural and financial resources. 

Wars were always there and will remain an important part of human history, in centuries to come, because technological advancement requires resources and resources have to be acquired. 
Unfortunately, geographically most of the natural resources lie hidden in places populated by the “have nots”. The “haves” are the ones who need these resources or they think they own these resources. But to acquire them they need to negotiate with the “have nots”. The strong never like to negotiate with the weaker. On the contrary they like to take away rather than asking. Taking away or snatching is an act of war!

(To be continued)

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