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Sunday, 30 October 2016

Beheading human rights - What kind of world are we living in?

Although I am a strong opponent of drawing definitive lines along the vectors of good and bad, but sometimes you need to have some idea of the differences between right and wrong.
I have written earlier about my disappointment in the Nobel Award Committee’s incompetence, after they blessed Barrack Hussein Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Assets or liabilities - decide or suffer...

Another day and another loudly resounding terrorist attack committed in Pakistan, by religious extremists.
A group of 3 terrorists entered Police Training College in the provincial capital of Quetta at around 11:00 pm. The law enforcement agencies responded very swiftly, and some 3 hours down the line, all the terrorists were dead, but before dying they took lives of 61 people and injuring more than 100 people.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Dr Last - last time I saw him - (part 6)

“Hello. I am Dr Last. Dr Alexander Last.”
The sound of this introduction, made me feel, for the first time that I was hopelessly sick. I was so sick that the last doctor had come to see me.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Dr Last - at last - (part 5)

The train came to a halt with a jerk. I woke-up to find that it was already morning and people were up and roaming. I was on the upper berth, so I lowered my head over the edge to see through the window. We were at some station; probably already out of Uzbekistan, because the train had been running for about ten hours now.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Dr Last - Policeman - (part 4)

The sunlight pierced through the tall wooden windows with glass panes. As I opened my eyes, I felt the dryness in my mouth, and a slight headache. Probably the few shots of vodka that I consumed before sleeping had dehydrated me. My whole body refused to obey the get-up command. I raised my hand and took a look at my watch. It was already after 8 in the morning.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Climbing all the way to the top of K2 (3D)

K2 is considered to be one of the most difficult peaks to climb. Although it stands a bit lower than Mount Everest, it is ranked way higher in terms of difficulty.

Dr Last (part 3)

The new clean room was as spacious as the other one, with the only difference that it did not have the floor with the chunks of vegetables, rejected by someone’s stomach.
Yes this was not a three-star hotel. There was nothing in that room, which even slightly resembled a hotel, but at least it had a bed, and that meant long awaited rest.

Frost and bite and a sip to ignite

It is quite feat to drive in an open vehicle in late September in Poland and the adjacent Baltic states. But These guys did it!
Have fun seeing how they froze their asses off!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Dr Last - (part 2)

Every step I took towards that tinted-glass door was a step out of that bureaucratic hell. I was already trying to put this episode behind me, when right by the exit, a man came up to me and asked me for my passport.

Art & Friendship

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Dr Last - (part 1)

Back in the days, when I used to believe in uniformity and my thoughts were filled with cliché ideas, I decided to go to the ex-Soviet states of Uzbekistan and Russia.

Rolling in Helsinki

What better way then this to get attention. The only problem is that you must learn to play with daggers and to handle the cosmic circle. Otherwise you might be getting more medical attention then public attention!
Enjoy the skills displayed by the Tuk-Tuk Travellers in Helsinki!

Joyride through Pakistan

It is always a pleasure to see people travelling through the Northern areas of Pakistan on motorcycles. And mind you I am not talking about Europeans travelling through on their 850CC BMW rides. I am talking about people riding urban bikes of 70, 100, and 125CC.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

جن کے ہونٹوں پہ ہنسی پاوں میں چھالے ہوں گے۔

چند لوگ پیدا صرف اس لئے ہوتے ہیں کہ وہ خلق خدا کا انسانیت پر سے ایمان نہ اٹھنے دیں۔ ایسے ہی ایک نفیس، مخلص اور مثالی انسان سے دوستی کا مجھے بھی شرف حاصل رہا۔ وہ مختصر سا طویل عرصہ جس دوران اس دوست سے صحبت رہی، کافی تھا یہ جاننے اور سمجھنے کے لئے کہ اس دینا میں صرف مطلبی، کمینے اور بے حس لوگ ہی نہیں بستے۔
گو کہ سترہ اکتوبر کو ہمارے عزیز دوست رانا امتیاز احمد تو

Monday, 17 October 2016

Myanmar style

Very few people go to Myanmar due to certain reasons, but the Tuk-tuk Travelers did make it to this land shrouded by mystery and here is a short clip showing you Burmese |Style.. 


Once we will practically have the warp-drives, probably then we could travel from Bandranaike to Changi in such short time. Until then we can only watch how it might occur!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Riding through Pakistan

A journey we undertook in 2011, at a time when people were reluctant to travel to these parts. We opted to travel by motorcycle, because we needed to experience and to show that things were not nearly as bad as they were portrayed.
All along the route, we met only good hospitable people. We learned a lot about the culture of the region and definitely made some good friends.
Pakistan is a great country to visit and if you want to se paradise, go north to Gilgit-Baltistan. Enjoy the video!

Mother of all wars

Diplomats used to be people trained to play with words. They knew how to play with words like, murder, assassination, liquidation and extermination. They knew when to use which word. But lately the military industrial complex has probably started employing diplomats and copywriters, because now the military industrial complex plays with words.

Dreaming in Nepal

The Tuk-tuk Travellers did this video in 2014, while they were in Nepal. It focuses on the efforts of young people trying to earn a chance in life. The rest is in the video, so enjoy watching!

Saturday, 15 October 2016

لے ان کہی دا ناں

جب آپ اندھیرے میں اپنی عینک ڈھونڈنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہوتے ہیں، تاکہ موم بتی جلا کر اپنی ذندگی کو روشن و رخشاں، نیر و تاباں کر لیں، تو سب سے پہلے آپ کے منہ سے گالی نکلتی ہے اس ریاست، اس کے اداروں اور عہدیداران، کو جو ستر برس بعد بھی بجلی کی پیداوار میں خود کفیل نہ ہو سکی۔

Friday, 14 October 2016

Only the bombs are smart...

“United States is an exceptional country. People all over the world look to us and follow our lead”; declared Hillary Clinton, while addressing the American Legion’s national convention at Cincinnati.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

میں اور بچہ جمورا

ہمارے بچپن میں زرائع تفریح کی تعداد بہت محدود تھی۔ ریڈیو ٹی وی کچھ گھروں میں اگر تھے بھی تو گھر کے بڑوں کا ان پر کڑا کنٹرول ہوا کرتا تھا، کہ کہیں ان بے جان آلات کی بھینٹ چڑھ کے بچے بیراہ روی کا شکار نہ ہو جایئں۔

Planet of the apes لنگورستان

ہمارے بچپن میں ٹی وی پر ایک انگریزی سیریز چلتی تھی، جس کا نام تھا پلینٹ آف دی ایپس ۔ کہانی کچھ اس طرح تھی کہ تین انسان، خلائی سفر کے دوران، فنی خرابی کی وجہ سے ایک ہزار سال مستقبل میں منتقل ہو جاتے ہیں۔ اس دور میں زمین پر انسانوں کی نہیں بندروں کی حکومت ہوتی ہے۔